
METAL HEAD #2 - a double sized NSFW science fiction story

Created by Michael S Katz

NSFW sci fi for adults only - catch up with issue #1 for the complete story

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Putting the FUN in funded
about 1 year ago – Thu, Dec 07, 2023 at 07:21:38 AM

Wow! This has been our best Kickstarter yet! In a week or so you will be getting a survey from Backerkit, please keep an eye out for it. We are putting the finishing touches on the comic, so the PDF will be circulated before Christmas and the print copies will get to you in January. 

Keep an eye out for our next project, HORROR SHOW, a one shot horror book drawn by the inestimable Darryl Banks of DC Comics fame. His art has never looked better. 

As always, thanks for your support! 

Streeeeetch goals
about 1 year ago – Mon, Dec 04, 2023 at 03:50:32 PM

We exceeded $7,000 in pledges, so every hard copy backer will be getting a METAL HEAD sticker. I'll send the art to digital backers too, maybe you can print it and cut it out or use it as a screen saver. 

If we can get over $8,000 I will have another pinup and extra bonus material included in the book. We can get there but we need your help!  Did you see two people can be in a future (RIOT EARP) comic? You will be a character In the story with your real name!

Only 17 hours to go in New Pain's combination JUMP/UNCOVERED campaign. You don't have to get both books, you can get just one. (But you really should get both books, it's the holidays). If you do get one of the books as well as METAL HEAD, you will get 2 free pinups, so time's awastin'. Buy JUMP OR UNCOVERED digital OR hard copy, get METAL HEAD digital OR hard copy, and get the pinups digital or hard copy accordingly. Just shoot me a message that you backed both books (I'll also ask afterwards). 

One of the two pinups

Speaking of pinups, David Alejandro Mejia finished his, which is available as a gorgeous variant cover, so feel free to pick one up. 

David Alejandro Mejia's variant cover art

Thanks for your support! 

Last week to go
about 1 year ago – Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 07:34:03 AM

We're in the home stretch, so if you come across a mention of METAL HEAD on social media, please like or repost it so more people can see it and join the party.  We are close to the next bonus, a METAL HEAD sticker.  If we reach $8,000, I foresee another pinup (digital or hard copy for all to enjoy).

For those of you seeking the two bonus pinups that you get for backing METAL HEAD and New Pain's JUMP and/or UNCOVERED, please make sure to let me know you have done so (I will also ask when the time comes). I will be sending them out, two amazing pinups by Bruno Abdias starring a character from METAL HEAD and a character from JUMP, two lovely alien ladies.

JUMP and UNCOVERED can be found at  They are offering 2 books, but you only have to back one of them, in hard copy or digital.  That means for just a few bucks more you get a great book or two from industry veteran Keith Champagne and a cast of thousands (well, maybe dozens) of artists.

There is still a chance to get your name and likeness in a future issue of RIOT EARP.  Look for the appropriate rewards level and pledge.  Only two chances to do so.

Finally, please allow me to plug NIGHTMARE THEATER 3D, which has less than 3 days to go.  It's done by a bevy of creators, including my buddy David Schraeder. Over 160 pages of horror stories, some in 3D, by some of the best creators in indie comics.  Fans of NSFW horror will dig this project. There are a TON of sample pages on their Kickstarter page:

Starts at $13 for digital and $29 for trade paperback, well worth the money.  And check out this amazing variant cover by Italian artist Emanuele Taglietti. I'm so jealous!

Please back all of these books! 


about 1 year ago – Sat, Nov 25, 2023 at 03:30:52 PM

If you missed my last update, don't forget that if you back METAL HEAD and New Pain's 2 in 1 (JUMP and UNCOVERED books) then you get two FREE pinups by Bruno Abdias. If you pledge digital only, you get hi res versions of the pinups in PDF format. If you pledge hard copies, or digital New Pain but hard copy of METAL HEAD you get 8 1/2 by 11 high quality hard copy pinups. So if you backed METAL HEAD, for just a few bucks more you get two books from New Pain and two gorgeous pinups! All books are done, so they will be available early December! 

We are close to raising $6,000 in funds. At $5,000 we added a pinup by David Alejandro Mejia, which is also available as a variant cover at the same price as the regular book! Here is a highlight of the work in progress. 

At $7,000 every physical backer will get a sticker of the METAL HEAD logo, so you can show your pride in the book or in your musical tastes. Your mileage may vary. 

11 days to go true believers! 

Look at these new bonus pinups for crossover fans!
about 1 year ago – Tue, Nov 21, 2023 at 04:56:06 PM

First, thank you all for the support you have shown us. We are shooting for more bonus materials, so feel free to increase your pledge or recommend us to friends and family. The algorithms of social media really strangle us little guys because they want us to pay to play, so any time you like or repost one of my posts, you are sticking up for the little guy. 

Now for the good part. We are doing a crossover with New Pain's current campaign, a 2-book campaign with a comic called JUMP and a covers collection titled UNCOVERED. Check them out at JUMP is great, I've already read it, a fun yet violent superhero book along the lines of INVINCIBLE. And UNCOVERED has some big name artists in it. Both are written or overseen by Keith Champagne of DC and Dark Horse fame. 

If you back both campaigns digitally, we will send you TWO hi res digital pinups. If you back both campaigns hard copy, or back METAL HEAD hard copy and JUMP/UNCOVERED digitally (since I will be doing the mailing), you will get a pair of 8 1/2 by 11 high quality prints drawn by our very own Bruno Abdias and colored by New Pain's Rich Stahnke. They star two gorgeous alien ladies, METAL HEAD's Janeena and JUMP's A'manda. 

Two extraordinary extraterrestrial ladies indeed! Here's the second one, soon to be colored. 


That link again is  Please check it out and pledge! They deserve it, they put out great projects. 

Thanks again!